Thursday, August 22, 2019

United States Defense Policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

United States Defense Policy - Research Paper Example The disaster energized the country especially its defense system and the administration to generate modifications in the existing defense policy. By analyzing major political transactions that occurred in the Middle East and central Asian countries it is clear that some philosophical, ethical and moral questions are involved in formulating the existing defense US defense policy. Its policies in Post Cold War period, programs against international terrorism and internal security constitute ethical and moral issues. Studies often reported that the policy is not effective to resolve various ethical and moral issues. Current defense policy of the United States’ concentrates to deter aggression against the country, its allies. Another significant element that one can find in US defense policy is the programs to control most dangerous weapons and the effective implementation of Nuclear- Proliferation Treaty. Current US defiance policy underlines effective coordination of various defiance department and security agencies. The online article entitled Security System Reform and Governance gives information about Security System Reform and it rightly comments that; â€Å"SSR frameworks should therefore address both external and internal threats to people’s safety, to law and order and to state stability.† (Manning, 2005, p.22). Existing Defense policy of the United States plays a significant role in the field of international politics, immigration, and economic transactions and its programs to prevent international terrorism constitutes desirable results. United States’ Dep artment of Defense is the central body that coordinates various agencies and supervises the process of policy making. There are a number of factors or institutions that are involved in the process of policy formation such as the Department of the Army, Navy and Air force. Other institutions are

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